The Swedish National Anthem


In Swedish
The Swedish Flag

The National Day of Sweden

is celebrated on June 6 in memory of the founding of the kingdom of Sweden by the coronation ceremony of Gustav Vasa June 6, 1523; and the confirmatory of the constitution law June 6, 1809.
That date was denominated the official National Day of Sweden in the year 1983, but has been celebrated as the Day of the Swedish Flag since 1916.

The Swedish Flag That day all flagpoles are crowned by our Swedish flag, blue with a yellow cross.
Blue as the sky and yellow as the sun.
The origin of the colours are from the Middle Ages, from the heraldic arms of the dynasty of the Folkungars and the Mecklenburgers
The yellow cross has it's origin in medival cross banners.

The greater state arms of Sweden

From this year 2005 the National Day is a holiday. The parliament took this decision in December 2004. So now most people are free.

The National Day is celebrated in the townships with flag parades, music, songs from choirs and speech of a prominent person. Often they make a special ceremony for those who had won their Swedish citizenship during the last year.


A Prayer on the National Day

we thank you for our wonderful country,
for forest and meadow, sea and lake,
for mighty mountains and fertile fields,
for swarming towns and living rural areas.
Help us to consider the value of our hereditary traditions
and make us open for the richness in new cultures.

Lord - bless our country Sweden!
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ



Made in May 2000 by Ingegerd

Background fromJohanna